Play, Social Skills and Inclusion

The Fair Play School is a Saturday club which strives to provide a safe and inclusive learning environment for children with diverse learning needs. We are dedicated to creating a fair and equal learning experience for all children and we believe that every child is special, has unique abilities and deserves an equal opportunity to learn and grow. 

At The Fair Play School, we focus on fostering a sense of belonging, self-confidence and independence in our learners. Through a variety of engaging activities, we aim to develop children's social, emotional, and academic skills, helping them reach their full potential, whilst most importantly, having fun!

High Quality Education 

Our highly skilled SEND teachers and playworkers have a wealth of experience, training and qualifications in supporting children with SEND to learn and achieve their full potential. Our rigorous recruitment process ensures that we only recruit staff with the relevant experience and utmost dedication to supporting learners with special educational needs and disabilities.


What is your offering?

Our current offer is a 1.5 hour session every Saturday morning for primary aged children, 4-11 years. At present, we are offering an early morning slot from 9.30am - 11am, and a late morning slot from 11.15am - 12.45pm.

These sessions aim to support, encourage and develop your child's learning and social and emotional wellbeing. Parents and carers can leave their children with highly qualified staff, safe in the knowledge that they will be looked after by professionals with SEND expertise.

Can we sign up for both sessions in a row?

Unfortunately we are only able to offer 1.5 hours per child at this point in time, however we are hoping to extend our offering very soon!

Will you be able to support my child's medical needs?

We maintain a high adult to child ratio and we consider the needs of every individual child during the booking process. If your child has medical needs for which we are not currently trained, we will ask a nominated adult to attend sessions until you are confident in our ability to support your child.

If your child requires a higher level of care, we will work with you and therapy professionals to implement a necessary plan such as a moving and handling programme, feeding plan or personal care plan.

Can we stay on site for the duration of sessions?

Absolutely! Our lovely venue has a large community area where parents and carers can stay and connect whilst the children are in session.

Does my child have to be toilet trained?

No. If your child is not yet independent in toileting, we will work with you to develop an intimate care plan. We also ask that you please provide nappies, wipes and spare clothes in case of any accidents.